FAQ! queerotic festival
Poland /Warsaw/Poznan/Cracow/
10-13 May 2007

Is porn a form of exploitation or liberation?
Is gender oppressive or fun?
What's the difference between porn and art?
What's the connection between lust and patriotism?
Are you ashamed to see?
Porn - lone wolf's ballad or entertainment with friends?
Who doesn't want to see lesbians, gays, trans, queers nor human body?
And what do You want?

Come to FAQ! but don't expect any answers.
The queerotic FAQ! festival is an open space filled with independent art 
and subversive feelings.
Turn your head off, listen to your lower parts and you will get to 
understand how the system works.

What will happen? The course of action depends on you.


Chris Regn i Eva Kietzmann/Bildwechsel
Bildwechsel was set up in 1979 as an umbrella organization for women in 
media, culture and art. Based in Hamburg it acts as a platform and as an 
infrastructure which women artists, filmmakers, theorists, cultural 
activists etc can tap into to support and develop their own work, 
projects and ideas, to find out about the work of others, make 
connections, develop new initiatives and build up archival collections 
that represent their work and that of others. Bildwechsel aims to 
present a panoramic view of the work of women artists, especially of 
those working over the last 25 years.

Political rap.

"Brain Orgy"

Tranny boy MC from Berlin: electrifying queer hip hop.

Tatiana Bazzichelli and Gaia Novati/Cum2Cut Indie-Porn-Short-Movies Festival
The event has developed in collaboration with the Berlin Porn Film 
Festival, the first porn film festival in the city of Berlin. It was a 
three day marathon independent pornography competition in which 
participants were invited to realize a short film in the city of Berlin 
to be shown during the Berlin Porn Film Festival.

Alicja Długołęcka/Project "When a Woman Loves a Woman" - Anka Zet Studio

Or Águeda Banón and María Llopis from Spain. The project emerged in 
Barcelona in 2002, with the ambition to offer a personal view on porn 
and sexuality, by questioning and subverting the construction of 
identities, fantasies and sexualities and reclaiming the creation of 
another pornography made by ourselves. Girlswholikeporno make films, 
perform audiovisual acts, lead workshops on pornography and feminism, as 
well as have their own active blog.

DJane Goga

Emilie Jouvet
Emilie Jouvet is a photographer, filmmaker and committed artist. She 
works in Paris as a freelance photographer for severals magazines such 
as "La Dixieme Muse", "Tetu", "Del'air", "Enville", "Muteen". Her 
personal and political work shows her friends and lovers in their 
intimacy, far away from the frozen clichés of the standard female 
homosexual representations. Her models, travel between genders, assuming 
troubled and confusing identities. Besides from many short movies she 
directed famous "One Night Stand" .

Manuela Kay
Manuela Kay is a journalist, author and producer from Berlin, 
chief-editor of German lesbian magazine "L-Mag", co-editor and author of 
the sex manual Schöner Kommen and the queer film guide book "Out im 
Kino". In 1994 she directed Germany�s first lesbian porn video Airport. 
She was a part of the jury in various film festivals, among others at 
the I Berlin Porn Film Festival.

Dayna McLeod
Dayna McLeod is a video and performance artist living and working in 
Montreal. In June 2000, she received her MFA from Concordia University 
after completing a 4 year program in Sculpture at the Alberta College of 
Art and Design in Calgary. Dayna has traveled extensively with her 
performance work and her videos have played in festivals 
internationally. The rare occasion to meet feminist who has sense of humor!

VJ Oskur
Author of visualisations with found footage from Maria Beatty, Kenneth 
Anger, Jack Smith, Shuji Terayama, Annie Sprinkle, shown at 
Queerfestival Kopenhagen 2006, in Taqué Bar in Madrid, at Queer Mutiny, 
in Wotever Club in London...

Les Pantheres Roses
The Pink Panthers are a radical queer activist group from Montreal who 
ceaselessly works on tormenting and uprooting capitalism, patriarchy and 
other systems of alienation. They did many provocative actions and 
performances in public sphere. Together with the Les Lucioles 
Videoactivist Collective, they issued two compilations shorts films with 
queer radical content: Politically Erect 2005 and 2006.

Maja Pietruszka

DJane Pinkshot

Jenny Ramme

Adam Stefaniak

DJane Tina Pornflakes


Agnieszka Weseli

Warsaw: kino.LAB
Poznan: Konsola Women Association
Cracow: Culture for Tolerance Foundation

           8/|\   ---------------------------------------------
          /c_"/   Tatiana Bazzichelli   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         //_/\__  web site: http://www.networkingart.eu
           /  \             http://www.ecn.org/aha
          /____\  mailing-list: https://www.ecn.org/wws/arc/aha
            /|    ---------------------------------------------

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