Matteo Pasquinelli's recent article "The Ideology of Free Culture and the
Grammar of Sabotage" examines recent practices concerned with licensing as
an anti-capitalist tactic and its broader ideological ramifications for
dialogs about file sharing and freedom of information, using the ideas of
the parasite, cognitive capitalism and offering a strategy of sabotage.

Pasquinelli refers to "large torrents of pornography" as part of the
"excess of energy that shapes economy and social conflicts". I would like
to discuss a collaborative project which I am participating in, Sharing is
Sexy (SIS), as a material example that engages and activates the issues in
Pasquinelli's article. In short, Sharing is Sexy is a collective project
with the aim of creating queer porn that is licensed under a Creative
Commons, By Attribution, Non Commercial, Share Alike license. The process
of creating and distributing porn is used to create radical queer
community and to facilitate new conceptualizations of gender and
sexuality. Most members of the collective consider it an anti-capitalist

// Is Copyleft anti-capitalist? //

In critiquing Free Culture, Pasquinelli refers to "Open Source Art" as one
part of it and says "what it is questioned here is the off-line
application of these paradigms." Since part of our project with Sharing is
Sexy is to examine the intersection of cultural production and Open Source
or Free Software methodologies, I wish to engage in a discussion with some
of these points.

Now, so as not to suffer from premature speculation, I would like to look
at some of the arguments against Creative Commons. Pasquinelli mentions
"those who point out Creative Commons complicity with global capitalism."
If we are going to critique Creative Commons, or those seeking a "GPL
society" for being complicit in global capitalism, it seems that we should
start with their inspiration, the GNU Public License (GPL) itself, and its
relation to capitalism.

Is the GPL anti-capitalist? In my interview with Richard Stallman [1], he
states that the GPL is, or was intended to be, not anti-capitalist, but
anti-fascist, in the sense that fascism is the unity of corporations and
government. So, in short, Stallman, the principal author of the GPL, sees
the GPL as anti-corporate, or anti-corporate-control, not anti-capitalist.

Also, the term Open Source was developed to make Free Software business
friendly and the Creative Commons licenses such as the remix license
clearly demonstrate efforts to please the information control industries.
I personally used to work for a corporation developing GPL software, so I
know that there is no inherent conflict between the GPL, capitalism and

Yet, to generalize that all Creative Commons licenses are in favor of
corporations is an oversimplification. For example, one can license one's
work under a Share Alike Creative Commons license, which is the closest
approximation of the GPL itself. Do we consider the GPL to be as friendly
to global capitalism as the remix license? I don't.

Also, with regards the non-commercial clause, we in SIS have discussed the
proposed idea of Copyfarleft, and find that it assumes too literal of a
meaning of the word commercial. It takes itself too seriously. We use the
non-commercial license to facilitate a porn making praxis, to be able to
invite someone to experiment with their sexual expression and know that no
one is making money off of it, or very little money at best, in the case
of bandwidth. We don't want porn corporations to use our content and
resell it with their massive infrastructures, which we would consider
commercial. Yet if someone wants to make a zine of our work and sell it at
the local diy zine fair and sell it for a few dollars, I do not consider
that usage commercial, as it is not oriented towards making a large
profit. Another important point is that Creative Commons licenses are easy
to understand and communicate to people. The members of our collective are
not all interested in detailed analyses of the politics and theory of
copyleft licenses. The GNU Free Documentation License doesn't have any
simple iconic representations. Your only option is to read the entire
license.  The process of building community and experimenting with our
bodies is facilitated by quick, tactical production and distribution
methods. The open source method of "release early, release often"
expresses this well, where we are more interested in coming together and
creating something and releasing it and getting feedback on it than on
working in secret for a long time trying to create the perfect
anti-capitalist queer porn.

// Porn Praxis //

Then, if the GPL license is not anti-capitalist, and licenses derived from
it like Creative Commons licenses are also not, then how could a project
like Sharing is Sexy, which aims to apply Open Source methodologies and
uses a Creative Commons license, claim to be anti-capitalist? And why
would we use a Creative Commons license?

As I started to say above, I would like to point out that I am interested
in an experimental, materialist, affective approach to epistemology,
meaning, I am approaching Sharing is Sexy (SIS) as a concrete exploration
of the possibilities of porn production as an anti-capitalist activity and
as an attempt to apply open source methodologies to cultural production.

Also, in our discussion about how SIS is anti-capitalist, one member of
the collective asked why it has to be anti-capitalist? He said that
perhaps we are building something that is anti-patriarchical and therefore
doing something completely new, in the sense that one can't imagine a
world without patriarchy, since our lives have been shaped by patriarchy.
He asks, why does it have to be restricted to the same old terms of
resistance? Similarly, Michael Warner in his book "Publics and
Counterpublics" says "by queer culture we mean a world making project,
where world, like public, differs from community or group because it
necessarily includes more people than can be identified, more spaces than
can be mapped beyond a few reference points, modes of feeling that can be
learned rather than experienced as birthright." [2]

Yet, we still consider our project an anti-capitalist project and we wish
to redefine what anti-capitalist action is. With respect to oppression,
non-oppressive porn which simply does not "contain" oppression is not
enough. We strive to make anti-oppression porn, which challenges the
institutions of oppression along lines of race, class, gender, and
sexuality. Similarly with capitalism, we want to make anti-capitalist
porn, which challenges the existence of capitalism.

How is our work anti-capitalist? Is it enough that it is free, and
therefore "outside" of the economy? I would argue that no, because being
outside of the economy is an almost unreachable horizon. We still buy
props, lube, bandwidth and computer hardware for production. Still, I
think it is important to avoid rigid binaries of thinking that something
either is or is not challenging capitalism. What would we think is the
"most" anti-capitalist act,  shutting down the WTO, kidnapping the son of
a wealthy businessman and falling in love with him, or building other
worlds, parallel to and partly outside of capitalism?

Our strategy is heavily informed by movements in Latin America, given our
location in the US/Mexico borderlands. Many of us have been to Chiapas and
done solidarity work with the Zapatistas, some of us are chicana or other
south american / north american hybrids.

The concepts of building "a world where many worlds fit", and "caminando
preguntando", or walking while asking, are central to my understanding of
our project. I see the world as already heterotopic, or as Fanon says
"compartmentalized", which means that there is space for world building. I
see it as a fundamental weakness in the distributed control society that
Alexander Galloway describes in protocol, that if power is distributed and
the forces of order are farther away, that means that sometimes when we
rise up, we find that they are not there, we find that no one is looking
at those security cameras after all. We are exploring this moment and
space of freedom created by the vacuum of politics in our post-democratic
and post-ideological society. In doing so, we are starting from zero and
walking while asking, developing our own way and not assuming we have the
answers. We are struggling to learn to live without capitalism, patriarchy
and heteronormativity.

Still, this is not a struggle for individual liberation, but collective
liberation. While the spaces we are using for this exploration are our
living rooms and bedrooms, we are using the techné of social software,
Free Software and access to cheap cameras to use our personal explorations
as a tool to change the community, city and world around us, beyond the
boundaries the world we are building. SIS is not a utopian project, but a
Critical Utopia, as described by Jose Esteban Muñoz, in that it seeks to
create a better world by being rooted in a critique of the current world.

// Subversion over Sabotage //

Another influence on our strategy are the movements for Horizontalidad in
Argentina [3]. I see our project as anti-capitalist in that we reject the
worker/boss dichotomy and instead are all working collectively,
non-hierarchically, using techniques developed by feminists to challenge
the built-in hierarchies we experience in our everyday lives. For example,
we use techniques such as formal consensus and "step up, step back" to try
to counteract the privileges of race, class and gender that we learn from
society and we come to the group with already [4].  One of my main
disagreements with Pasquinelli's argument is that it is based on an
Autonomous Marxist analysis grounded in a concept of "the worker" and
their ability to make money off of the commons. I don't identify as a
worker and I think that it is part of a false binary of worker/boss that
is created to facilitate a dialectical analysis but doesn't describe
reality well. It is an analysis based in a nineteenth century
understanding of working in a factory for one's whole life. My identity is
not fully described by my being a worker and the kind of work I do makes
this distinction between worker/boss difficult, both in my free time and
in my paid time.

Which leads to my critique of the proposal of sabotage as an important
political strategy. Sabotage assumes a single world, assumes that the
worker spends most of his days in the factory making machines or in the
cubicle writing software, and therefore his best chance of resistance is
in sabotage. Our strategy with Sharing is Sexy puts subversion over
sabotage, focusing on reuse of the garbage of capitalism for our own
purposes of world building. In our heterotopic world and multi-faceted
identities, it makes sense for us to bring home the cameras we may use at
work for photographing products, and use them to produce queer
anti-capitalist porn. We don't harbor an illusion of anti-capitalist
purity. Maybe this is a product of the praxis of the borderlands, reusing
tires from the US in Tijuana to build walls, working with what we have to
get to where we want. We recognize our limitations and contradictions.
After all, we are fucking on camera and showing it to everyone. We try not
to take ourselves too seriously. The usage of the latest Britney Spears
song, "Piece of Me", downloaded from file-sharing networks, for a
burlesque performance by a group of transgender, queer and genderqueer
people, as a means to challenge capitalism and develop anti-capitalist
queer community is a good example of the possibility for subversion in a
heterotopic condition.

In part, anti-capitalist projects must be valued as such simply because
they are openly described as such, and the viewer can look at the project
to evaluate it as such. For any project there is some interface with the
economy, so any claim of pure anti-capitalist action in a capitalist world
seems inadequate and based in a Platonic-idealist approach as opposed to a
materialist development of praxis. As Zizek describes, when talking about
his and Lacan's use of examples, "for a materialist, there is always more
in the example than what it exemplifies, i.e. an example always threatens
to undermine what it is supposed to exemplify since it gives body to what
the exemplified notion itself represses, is unable to cope with." [5] In
this way, in the tradition of conceptual, post-conceptual and performance
art, since the members of SIS consider it queer, anti-capitalist porn, we
can look at it as a material example to see what queer, anti-capitalist
porn is and to see how it expands our conceptions of these notions.

Should we see the most spectacular gestures, such as shutting down the
WTO, as the most anti-capitalist, or could we see a more fundamental
process as challenging the very foundations of capitalism? A major part of
why I consider our project anti-capitalist is because heteronormativity
and patriarchy support capitalism. Capitalism needs war, started and
supported by the aggression of the 8 men who run the global economy, such
as George W. Bush defending his daddy. Capitalism needs straight soldiers
who can be segregated by gender and have their sexual desires tightly
regulated and used as part of the war machine, as Freud discuses with
regards to the sublimation of libidinal energy for work. Capitalism needs
a world separated into couple units where everyone has their own vacuum,
television and internet access.

The project of developing new ways of conceptualizing love and desire,
creating polyamorous collectivities and genders that defy categorization
challenges the very protocols that capitalism relies on to order
populations and control their flows and actions. Giorgio Agamben, in a
seminar at the European Graduate School spoke on the topic of
inoperability, in the way that poetry makes language inoperable by giving
it new meaning. He stated that the most important political project, for
him, is to develop new ways of making the human body inoperable, to
develop new uses for the human body. Similarly, in Empire, Hardt and Negri
state "A new nomad horde, a new race of barbarians, will arise to invade
or evacuate Empire… These barbaric deployments work on human relations in
general, but we can recognize them today first and foremost in corporeal
relations and configurations of gender and sexuality. Conventional norms
of corporeal and sexual relations between and within genders are
increasingly open to challenge and transformation. Bodies themselves
transform and mutate to create new posthuman bodies.”

SIS is part of an anti-capitalist artistic tradition of infrastructure as
art which one can see in the Fluxus movement. Owen F. Smith writes,
"Fluxus not only attacked the existing cultural forms and systems, but
also attempted to create an alternative distribution system", and he goes
on to quote Nam June Paik in saying "George Macunias' Genius is the early
dtection of this post-Marxistic situation and he tried to seize not only
the production's medium but also the DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM". [6]

That is what we are doing with Sharing is Sexy, creating an infrastructure
for developing new somatic practices of gender and sexuality beyond male
and female heterosexual coupling.  Further, we are trying to make these
practices sexy, contagious, spreading these new practices as far as
possible by creating networks of content sharing and production. This part
of the project is supported by the DIY, non-commercial nature of the
project. As one collective member pointed out, since there is no money
involved, the viewer can have more confidence that we are doing these
things because we want to, sharing our actual desires, unlike much "gay
for pay" porn.

I see the process of creating and spreading these new somatic  practices
as more anti-capitalist than making images that someone else can sell on
the capitalist market. Identity can be seen as a social process of
feedback between one's gender and sexual expression and the way others
perceive it and respond, like the Lacanian Mirror stage and the feedback
between one's imagined image of self and one's actual abilities.
Similarly, we are facilitating a process of building new genders and
sexualities by making these images accessible, in that the viewer can know
that they were not made under exploitative conditions, the images are free
and they are licensed to be shared. Creating a dynamic of sharing is
important to us in order to facilitate dialog and processes of feedback
and exchange and allowing new shapings of desire to come out of those
feedback processes.

Thanks to Lil' Dynamite for contributions and editing help.

1. See .
The ogg and mp3 files are currently offline, because
is down, but work is being done to restore the archives.

2. Michael Warner, Publics and Counterpublics, p.198, 2002, Zone Books

3. See Horizontalism, edited by Marina Sitrin, 2006, AK Press

4. On Conflict and Consensus,

5. Slavoj Zizek, Enjoy Your Symptom, p. xi, 1992, Routledge

6. Owen F. Smith, "Fluxus Practice: An Exploration of Connections,
Creativity and Community", At a Distance, p. 126, 131, 2005, MIT Press



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