On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 11:50 AM, icsgpa <ics...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I am not an expert but I like the Netsukuku idea and would support it. For
> the HW devices have you considered the "Fonera"
> (https://shop.fon.com/FonShop/shop/DE/ShopController?view=product&product=PRD-023)
> ?

As I said the problem is the disk space. The most used Fonera models
have very little flash.
The Fonera models which sport a USB are expensive and not widely in use.

I have a bit of expectations on the model that I am testing now - see
previous mail.
If it performs well I will advise it on my blog.
But I don't know for how long it will be in production.

> @Luca: congratulations for this project, please reserve some energy, time
> and resources for it. Do not give up...!

Thank you Guido
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