In a dim and distant universe
   Tony Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> enlightened us thusly:
> >  Up date : I find that even after shutdown and reboot the site I was
> >  trying to access brings up the message any time I try to access it
> >  viz:

> With 90MB free memory, I see the 'Running out of memory ...' warning
> immediately NetSurf connects to that URL, ie when no significant fetch
> has taken place. (NetSurf 17 Feb 2008 r3859).

The problem with is an empty frame set at the bottom of the
page. If you view the source code (wget or something), then at the bottom
of the file, remove the <frameset></frameset> and it works fine in NetSurf.

So, report the broken HTML to the web site owner and report the empty
frameset bug in NetSurf on the bug tracker.

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