In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Pitt
> > > > I regularly use NetSurf to display Jpeg images attached to emails
> > > > by dragging them there from the Pluto version. Until the last two
> > > > versions of NetSurf this has worked perfectly but now it will
> > > > display the first one correctly but, when any subsequent **email**
> > > > jpeg is dragged the first one is displayed again. Dragging a Jpeg
> > > > from my hard disc displays correctly but it still doesn't break
> > > > NetSurf's grip on the first email jpeg.
> > 
> > > This was broken temporarily but should have been fixed in r4227.
> > > Please try again with the latest build.
> > 
> > Unfortunately, the problem is still there in r4227, which I downloaded
> > yesterday.
> > 
> Today's build looks OK, 01 June 2008, r4238.

It wasn't right in r4238, but it is right in r4297. Thanks.
I did have ways round the problem, but it is irritating when something that
did work stops doing so.
If that's the worst problem I ever have with NetSurf I shall be happy. :-))

David Wild using RISC OS on broadband

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