On 15 Jul 2008 Jess Hampshire wrote:

> James Bursa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> On Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 06:18:51PM +0100, Andrew Hodgkinson wrote:
>>> Yes, but you're still squandering CPU cycles on unnecessary reformats
>>> caused by NetSurf failing to allocate space for images even when the
>>> image has a fixed width and height, even if those intermediate redraw
>>> stages are double-buffered (which actually just slows you down even
>>> *more*, of course). I never understood why NS ignores image sizes.
>> Ignoring the size makes it possible to display the entire alt text
>> without it being cropped to the size of the image, so the page is more
>> useful while images are loading.
>> Essentially <img src=... alt="NetSurf"> is treated like
>> <object data=...>NetSurf</object>.

> Could this be made a user choice?

> How useful each behaviour is depends on both the machine rendering
> speed and the time taken to download images.

Viewing the alt text during formatting is of limited usefulness. My 
preference would be allocate the right amount of space when it is 
known. Is there a way to view the alt text later? Some browsers do 
this if you hover long enough over the image. At the very least it 
could be added to the Object > Info window. I need to raise an FR!

|_|. _   Richard Porter               http://www.minijem.plus.com/
|\_||_                                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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