On Sat, 02 Aug 2008 06:43:18 +0100
Jess Hampshire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In message
> >
>           John-Mark Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Clearly Rob's posting wasn't clear enough, seeing as you've missed
> > the point of it :)
> Or I've not made my point clearly.
> My take on the situation is that the log being discussed was sent in 
> direct response to the request that Netsurf itself makes when it dies.

No.  NetSurf requests that people file a bug report, and attach the
log.  Just sending a log with no context what-so-ever does not
constitute a bug report.  It does not help us fix bugs.  It will not
make the browser more stable for you.  It doesn't help anyone at all.


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