In article <>,
   Richard Ashbery <> wrote:
> Ref: JPEG only required

> Adjust-clicking over the save icon or Shift-F3 or even Select-clicking
> the packet icon if ButtonBar is loaded enables me to do a full-save on
> a selected image resolution on a site like

> * and then dragging to a filer
> window. The full-saved file can then be opened, the relevant jpeg
> identified, selected and dragged to a filer window. The unwanted html
> gifs and css can then be binned. If many images are needed it becomes
> quite time consuming - Is there a simpler way?

Yes. navigate to the page which contains the image you want and <Ctrl>
drag it from the page to the filer.

A slightly more long-winded way is to click menu over the image on the
page then follow Object > Object > Save > and save it!

> If I had the programming skills I would write a routine to this
> automatically.

Someone already has!

> *Incidentally what a superb site.

Indeed. Setting up Organizer to open APOD is great too:

Create a task alarm with 


in the Message section.

Tim Hill,

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