In article <>, Chris Newman
<> wrote:

> The Museum of Bath at Work has a website, the URL of
> which has changed over the years. The old URL still works
> with Netsurf.


> However, the following new one given in their literature
> does not.


> I get the error message "transfer closed with outstanding
> read data remaining."

> It seems to involve a re-direct to


> Both these latter URLs work OK in Phoenix, Oregano2 &
> Browse with WebServe on my RiscPC & Firefox on my PC so
> it must be a glitch peculiar to Netsurf.

> Can anyone replicate this behaviour?

Yes, in that I get the same error message as you with
NetSurf r8240 from <>, while it
loads without any difficulty into Fresco.

PC (which has Firefox, Safari, Opera and IE8) is not
switched on at present...

Russell Hafter - Mailing Lists
Need a hotel? <>
(NB This link needs Firefox to work)

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