On 26 Dec 2009, Dr Peter Young wrote:
> On 18 Dec 2009  Matthew Somerville <matt...@dracos.co.uk> wrote:
>> Jim Nagel wrote:
>>>>>> http://www.traintimes.org.uk/
>>>>>> ... Hmm, looks like it's encoding a trailing space into the URL it
>>>>>> gets redirected to.  Try removing any instance of %20 in the URL it
>>>>>> sends when you to when you submit the form.
>>> contact him about this %20 problem via the link at top right of page.
>> I've fixed the encoding of spaces in the station names, which I think is
>> what's being referred to here. Thanks for letting me know.
> Unfortunately not working for me here; RISC OS 5.13 and NetSurf test
> build r9725. I get the "&20"s not in the station names, but between
> the date and time in the URL. Till today, I could manually edit these
> out and get a result, but now if I try this, they immediately go back
> in again!
> Thanks for your work, Matthew, on a very useful site.

Have you tried again Peter?

Matthew modified it yesterday because I was getting %20's between the 
station name and the date.

Yesterday, he modified it to remove all spaces, wherever they occurred 
in the entry fields.

It works fine for me now (Netsurf r8643, being the last one before it 
gobbles up memory).


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