On 18 Apr 2010  Dave Symes <d...@triffid.co.uk> wrote:

> In article <510a0e4a4dt...@netsurf-browser.org>,
>    Michael Drake <t...@netsurf-browser.org> wrote:
>> In article <510a0b9091sjcl...@ormail.co.uk>,
>>    Steve Clark <sjcl...@ormail.co.uk> wrote:

>>> I have the same problem.  I've put in an bug report.

>> Thanks, I see in the screenshot that the URL starts with "file:/", please
>> try changing it to "file:///".  Does that fix it?

>> See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_URI_scheme for more info on the
>> form of file: URLs.

>> Best regards,

> That does indeedy work.

And an HTML file here from my HD works straight away with r10422 and 
RISC OS, with the file:/// in place automatically.

Great to see more development, and even better that the BBC weather 
site doesn't gobble up half the machine's memory now. Many thanks to 

With best wishes,


Peter, \  /      zfc Yb       \     Prestbury, Cheltenham,  Glos. GL52
Anne    \/ __            __    \                              England.
and     / /  \ | | |\ | /  _    \      http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family /  \__/ \_/ | \| \__/     \______________ pnyo...@ormail.co.uk

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