On 28 Apr 2010  Richard Porter <r...@minijem.plus.com> wrote:

> On 28 Apr 2010 Dr Peter Young wrote:

>> Could someone please try this for me, before I think about submitting
>> a bug request, in case I'm doing something silly?

>> Trying to load http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/womanshour (I was trying to
>> download the podcast for S(WMBO)+(WILAC) ) NetSurf r10504 on RISC OS
>> 5.16 gets stuck on this machine with the little NetSurf hourglass
>> running at the stage of "converting **** bytes" (the number is about
>> 5000 -8000 and varies). I've waited for over a minute, and nothing
>> gets loaded. All the other BBC programme sites I've tried work as they
>> should do.

>> The same thing happens with 2.0, and with 1.2 it gets up to about
>> "converting 16000 bytes, and then stops with no hourglass. NetSurf
>> then refuses to quit; I had to use CloseFiles to close the logfile
>> before I could save it, which I have done.

>> I think I blame the BBC rather than NetSurf; is it worth a bug report?
>> It loads fine in Windows Firefox, by the way.

> I get the same on RO 6.16 - "converting 16097 bytes" but with the
> fetch still in progress. Try getting her indoors to request the page

Unfortunately her indoors can't use computers :-(

Bug report now?

With best wishes,


Peter, \  /      zfc Yb       \     Prestbury, Cheltenham,  Glos. GL52
Anne    \/ __            __    \                              England.
and     / /  \ | | |\ | /  _    \      http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family /  \__/ \_/ | \| \__/     \______________ pnyo...@ormail.co.uk

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