In message <>
          Rob Kendrick <> wrote:

> On Tue, 18 May 2010 16:35:12 +0100
> george <> wrote:
> > Since the developers have stated that NetSurf 2.5 will be the last 
> > stable RISC OS release
> Where did the developers say this?  I don't remember any of us every
> saying this.  Just that it was likely if somebody didn't come in and
> help with the RISC OS front end.
> Can people who keep saying this please stop saying it until we say it.

Agreed.  I continue to be amazed at the number of people who post
to RO mailing lists and newsgroups, who have poor comprehension
skills; i.e. they read some words and somehow extract a meaning
from them that is clearly different from what was written.


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