On 30 Apr 2010, Bernard Boase <b.bo...@bcs.org> wrote:

> On 11 Aug 2009, Bernard Boase <b.bo...@bcs.org> wrote:

>> On 7 Aug 2009, John Williams <joh...@ukgateway.net> wrote:

>>> Sometime after r8950 - 1st Aug 2009, accessing my French bank results in
>>> this error at the password box appearing stage:

>>>         Sorry, NetSurf was unable to display this page

>>>         Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to
>>>         voscomptesenligne.labanquepostale.fr:443

>>> - so something changed after that version.

>> Similar story here with Co-operative Bank
>> https://welcome27.co-operativebank.co.uk/CBIBSWeb/start.do, using RISC
>> OS Netsurf 3.0 (Dev) 04 Aug 2009 r9045.

>> <snip details>

> The above problem dates from last summer (2009) and meant that I
> normally stayed with Netsurf 2.1 rather than any of the 3.0
> development versions.

> Unfortunately, I now find that the new 2.5 exhibits the same problem,
> so once again I must retain 2.1 for use with this bank.

> I won't add another problem log on the tracker as the one that's there
> says enough (while not mentioning 2.5 of course), but I do wonder if
> anyone has an understanding of whether the problem is soluble.

Glad to report that, as of some unknown period before Netsurf 
development update "3.0 (Dev) (03 Aug 2010 10:30) r10678", the above 
problem has disappeared, AND it has disappeared when using the release 
version 2.5! So maybe it's something the Co-op Bank has changed?

I have added a comment to Netsurf Bug tracker ID: 2835477  
"Co-op bank login gives SSL error 2009-08-11", but cannot mark the bug 
closed if John Williams still has the problem with La Poste. (I have 
advised him of this by personal email).


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