In message <>
          Richard Ashbery <> wrote:

> In article <>, Jim Nagel

> [snip]

>> * click on the link that Michael Drake gave.  that will open your
>> hotlist file in a browser window.

>> * then Adjust-click on the "flame" button at the top of the window.
>> that will add Michael's link to the bottom of your hotlist.
>> (which is the same way as you add anything else to the hotlist.)

>> now, given its purpose, this item would be handier at the TOP of
>> your hotlist, so:

>> * open the hotlist in the usual way (F6 over a browser window or
>> use the iconbar menu).

>> * Adjust-drag the new item ("Netsurf hotlist") up to the top of the
>> list.  (sounds like you have a long list, so you might have to
>> move it up by a windowful at a time -- would help to maximize the
>> hotlist window.)

>> now you can just click that "Netsurf hotlist" item at the top of
>> your hotlist:  your hotlist opens in the form of a browser window,
>> which you can search.  QED.

> Excellent explanation - thanks

> Richard

Yes, it works for me too. Now that I've got round to it.

Michael Bell


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