On Sun, 24 Oct 2010 21:28:20 +0100, Steve Fryatt wrote:

> >    The displayed names of many links have been changed
> Could you give an example to explain what you're seeing?

I can answer this one; it's a core issue which has been briefly
mentioned before.

With the new treeview code, the hotlist is somehow being validated
(probably against the URL database) on startup, and any hotlist titles
are changing back to whatever the website title last was.  Hence any
manual title edits are lost.

> >    Please could the directory icons be green, as before?
> NetSurf doesn't use the OS sprites any more (if it ever did); I think
> there's a plan to overhaul the look of these windows completely in the
> medium to long term, anyway.

In the meantime anybody who wants to can change the icons by editing
the files in !NetSurf.Resources.Icons


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