In article <>, Rob Kendrick
<> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 11:54:00AM +0000, Richard Porter wrote:
> > On 21 Feb 2011 Erving  wrote:
> > 
> > > Why is it that
> > 
> > >
> > > ewlink&link_id=49&Itemid=
> > 
> > > viewed with Firefox displays the E-mail address but with NetSurf
> > >  there is just a blank space?
> > 
> > I haven't looked at it, but I suspect they're using javascript to
> > display the address in the hope that spambots won't pick it up. I'd
> > be very surprised if any self-respecting spambot would baulk at a
> > little bit of javascript.

> And indeed they don't.  Firstly, it's not a common method of harvesting
> anymore (they just blat the mail server with a million random addresses
> in the hope one will stick), and secondly rendering engines are fast
> enough these days that when spidering, they just lay it out and scrape
> the result.

And for some reason, the twerp who has used this javascript to 'hide' the
email address has used the addresses as the links on the page so they can
be easily scraped, or cut and pasted: there are simpler and more complex
methods which hide things better from spambots and/or people.

These days it is more important to have good ISP filters in place which
at least rid you of the tiny minority of people who are known spammers.
With good filters in place you can splash your email address across the
'net with gay abandon.

Tim Hill,

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