[Iyonix RISC OS 5.16, NetSurf r12243]

I'm not sure if this is a bug or an issue with the way cookies work (I'm
not all that familiar with them).

Deleting cookies - any cookie - seems to be riddled with issues.

When I first select one and delete it (via the toolbar or the menu), the
whole treeview flickers madly for a few seconds.  After that, the cookie
disappears from view, but scrolling down to the bottom reveals it's only
been moved to the last entry instead of being deleted.  Deleting it from
its new position seems to work.

Deleting several cookies, either via the same delete operation or
individually, results in them all being moved to the bottom.  However,
subsequently deleting one which was initially moved there but has since
been pushed up by further deletions works, rather than moving it a few
entries back to the bottom, so it doesn't seem to be a purely positional

Can anyone offer advice or replications on other platforms?  Is it a

  __<^>__   === RISC OS is a work of art.  Some people adore it,  ===
 / _   _ \  === others can't see the point of it, and it's really ===
( ( |_| ) ) === expensive.                                        ===
 \_>   <_/  ======================= Martin Bazley ===================

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