On 1 Aug 2011, Dr Peter Young <pnyo...@ormail.co.uk> wrote:


> Following the posting on The Iconbar about getting Unicode fonts
> working on RISC OS 4.** (1) I tried to get this working on RISC OS
> 4.02 on VRPC SE on a Windows XP SP3 laptop. The advice on the Iconbar
> posting needs a bit of tweaking for 4.02, but I seemed to be initially
> successful. However, when NetSurf ran and looked at the new fonts, it
> fell over when it came to Cyberbit, saying "The Unicode font manager
> has failed to initialise", or words to that effect; as it failed to
> run fully there is no logfile.

The Iconbar advice works here using RPCemu, RO 4.39, Windows XP SP2, and
Cyberbit font (only). If the modules have initialised you should see:

   *help fontmanager
   ==> Help on keyword FontManager
   Module is: Font Manager    3.66 (02 Jan 2010)

   *help romfonts
   ==> Help on keyword ROMFonts
   Module is: ROM Fonts       0.75 (19 Jan 2010)

> I then took Cyberbit out of Resources.Fonts, and ran NetSurf again.
> This time it ran fully, and I was able to view pages in Amharic with
> the Abyssinica font.
> Any idea why this NetSurf doesn't like Cyberbit? Is it a memory
> problem? (Cyberbit weighs in at, IIRC, 21M).

24,375,092 bits (23.8MB). Perhaps your copy has not converted correctly.
RPCemu has only 128MB memory, so that's not likely to be the problem.


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