On 15 Sep 2011 Brian Bailey  wrote:

>>>> Would some kind soul have a look at Permajet's website
>>>> www.permajet.com please. Netsurf doesn't seem to be displaying the
>>>> page tabs correctly.

>>>> Are the tabs really supposed to be like that?

>>> No.

>>> On Safari 5.1 and Firefox 6.0 on Mac's Lion the upper row of tabs
>>> 'appear' to be behind the lower row. It all looks very sensible.

>> Umm, that's what I concluded. I have noticed strange, similar 'overlaps'
>> on other sites from time to time. Can this 'feature' be fixed, please?

>> Mostly it doesn't matter very much but from time to time this 'feature'
>> occludes pertinent, vital material.

> As this is still happening does it need formal reporting as a bug, now
> with r12793?

I'm seeing this on r12793 and on some other sites too. Sometimes it 
just looks as though the tops of the letters on a line have been 
chopped off but I guess it's the same problem. Please raise a bug 

There are similar problems on the W3C validator home page 
(http://validator.w3.org/) where ">More Options" obscures part of a 
text input field in two places.

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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