In article <>,
   Brian <> wrote:
> Hi
> Oops, originally wrote this email/post via my mobile phone and the 
> outcome is all gobbled???
> So will post again via computer.
> Basically up until recently accessing the Halifax/Bank of Scotland was 
> not at all accessible via Netsurf.Then only a couple of weeks ago 
> since they had a revamp of the site the whole thing was totally 
> useable with Netsurf, which was great.
> However, today have found that after logging in on the second stage 
> the continue button has disappeared, thus cannot progress beyond that.
> A real shame.

> Regards.
> Brian

Brian, if you hover your mouse pointer roughtly where it used to be, quite
often it will turn into a pointing hand, and that's where it's hiding, if
you do find it, even though it's hidden, click, and of you'll go.



Dave Triffid

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