In message <>
  Dave Higton <> wrote:

> Every picture I view from the Railway Herald site's Imaging Centre
> causes "Error converting PNG" to flash briefly on the bottom line,
> but only when the image is viewed for the first time - refreshing
> the image, or going back to one recently visited, doesn't show the
> message.  The main image is always displayed successfully, though.

> Example URL:

> &gallery=X3

> Any explanation?

I can see the error, on clicking the "Next Image" button near the 
bottom of the page, bit I do not see a corresponding entry in 
NetSurf's log.

I would take a guess it may be something to do with the RHlogo/png in 
the top banner. Netsurf does not display the extracted the png if it 
is dropped onto NetSurf. The Mac does display that png.

Wierd! Just a thought.
David Pitt

MessengerPro 6 on an ARMini running RISC OS 5

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