In article <>, ChrisF <>
> In message <3991e54f52.jess@itworkshop.invalid> Jess Hampshire
>           <> wrote:

> > Hi

> > What settings should work correctly with geminus on an Iyonix?
> Not sure what you mean.

I assumed what was meant were Geminus' Settings.  :-/

Geminus iconbar menu > Choices > Settings

> > (Should Netsurf work correctly with all accelerations activated for
> > it?)
> Netsurf has limitations which are a constant source of tasks for the
> guys who work on it. However, I use R13065 at the moment and it is
> stable as far as I am concerned. Geminus and Netsurf have never
> conflicted on my computer.

I notice only that I have all three things unticked alongside Netsurf.
probably did that but don't remember when or why. Perhaps it's time to
try them ticked again....seems okay. I'll report back if anything
untoward happens.

Tim Hill

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