The following bytes were arranged on 2 Oct 2012 by Michael Drake :

> In article <>,
>    Chris Newman <> wrote:
> > In the info window obtained from the iconbar icon, "Version" just gives
> > 3.0 (development). Is there a way of checking which version/build you
> > are using except noting at the time of downloading?
> There is just the name of the zip file you downloaded to identify it at
> the moment.
> This is just one reason we aren't yet ready to announce development builds
> being available for general testing use; there's currently no good way to
> identify them.
> We need to come up with a new identification scheme, since Subversion
> revision numbers are no longer available.

May I suggest using whatever it is you currently name the zip files

I mean, you could use the git commit ID, but five-figure SVN revisions
were hard enough to keep track of.

 / _   _ \  I don't have a problem with God; it's his fan club I can't stand.
( ( |_| ) )
 \_>   <_/  ======================= Martin Bazley ==========================

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