In article <>, Tony Moore
<> wrote:
> On 14 Jan 2013, Tim Hill <> wrote:
> > In article <>, ChrisF
> > <> wrote:
> > > In message <> Jim Nagel
> > >           <> wrote:

> [snip]

> > > > A wee handy-feature suggestion (if it's not a lot of programming
> > > > effort): A "Javascript on/off button" on the toolbar.
> >
> > > ..... like Webster has.
> >
> > ..... or a shortcut keypress which could be added to Buttonbar.

> A menu option would be needed for ButtonBar, or Keystroke, to work.

I don't know about Keystroke but that's not true for Buttonbar. If a
keypress is understood by an application but not in its menu, it still
works. Just tested it with PageUp/Down for NetSurf and they work but are
not in the menu structure.

Tim Hill

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