On 15 Mar 2013  Jim Nagel <nets...@abbeypress.co.uk> wrote:

> The Telephone Preference Service website (www.tpsonline.co.uk)
> produces a blank page in Netsurf.  The URL bar changes to show that
> it's PHP.

> Netsurf build #891 here on Iyonix 5.1 -- same behaviour whether
> Javascript on or off.

> The only item visible is smallprint links at the top right of the
> blank acre: "Contact | Make a complaint | Privacy & cookies" and
> Netsurf at bottom left reporting "Done (0.8s)".

> The Google search for "telephone preference service" also shows a
> half-dozen sub-pages at the TPS site -- all blank in Netsurf.

Even more curious. If you look at that page in Windows Firefox it 
looks suspiciously like a phishing page, with links "Related searches, 
Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards, Insurance". It's still a pretty 
skeletal page, and none of the links work, perhaps because I use 
Ghostery, which makes me more suspicious of this page.

However, http://www.tpsonline.org.uk/tps/index.html also produces a 
skeletal page in NetSurf, and I've reported this on the bug-tracker.

With best wishes,


Peter Young (zfc Ta) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England

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