On 17 Apr 2013 Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:

> I'm using 1048.

> The line wrapping is a little odd. For instance on a www page I have
> includes:
> "The MOSFETs we are using in 2012 have a <b>maximum</b>
> R<sub>ds(on)</sub> of around 6 milliohms."

> If width is such, Netsurf will break the line before the <sub> -
> effectively in the middle of a word.

I've had a bug report out on this for years. It's always been a 
problem for as long as I can remember. NS will wrap lines at any tag 
or escaped character or possibly any non-alphanumeric character where 
there is no white space and no hyphen.

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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