Hello Harriet,

In message <31a32dcd53.harr...@blueyonder.co.uk>
          Harriet Bazley <li...@orange.wingsandbeaks.org.uk> wrote:

> I can't seem to withdraw money to my bank account from Paypal using
> Netsurf any more (it just gives a page saying there may have been an
> error) -- is it a temporary glitch or have they introduced a JavaScripty
> dependency since I last withdrew money in October?

I have only just found the start of this thread (sent to the spam 
folder by BT for some reason so I've only just discovered it there so 
sorry for the late reply.

Where do you find the options to transfer to/withdraw from bank 
account? As far I know it's in a ribbon of options which doesn't 
appear in Netsurf, though does in other browsers. Is there an 
alternative way of getting at it?

thanks :)


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