Yesterday I successfully submitted a bug report, but only at the second
attempt because of what I suspect is a failing in Netsurf.

I carefully completed the form on the Mantis site and submitted it,
Mantis responded with an page indicating that the information I had
supplied about the CI build was incorrect and that I should use my
browser's back button to return to the form and correct the error. This I
did only to be presented with a totally blank page from which to submit
my report. Fortunately I had had the foresight to compose the report in
Zap so didn't have the frustration of typing it all again so I completed
the form and ensured the build information was correct and it was
successfully submitted.

I felt this apparent failing should be added to the bug tracker and, in
the interest of reporting the issue accurately, decided to recreate the
problem. I therefore wrote a report, leaving the CI build information
blank, and submitted it expecting the failure message to be displayed so
that I could perhaps enhance the report with more detail. Nope! The
report was accepted.

I could try repeating the process with variations on the build
information until I got a failure but fear that I might submit a string
of meaningless reports in the process with the result of irritating the
developers and making a total **** of myself.

I'm not sure what to do now other than suggest that, if you are sending a
bug report using NetSurf, you compose it in a text editor nd save it
before you hit the submit report button.


Brian Jordan
>From somewhere in North Hampshire. England. UK.

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