In article <>,
   Jim Nagel <> wrote:


> Suggestion to the Netsurf team:

> Please, could you include an extra "Readme-date" file in the download 
> zipfile that would simply state in plain text the date of the last 
> actual change and words to the effect that "If you have updated !Boot 
> and !System since this date, there is no need to do it this time."

> It would save the chore of going to every machine and repepetititively 
> performing the merge-boot and merge-system rigamarole when it isn't 
> necessary.  (The rest of the job of updating the !Netsurf application 
> on all stations can be done over the network.)  Thanks.


I work on the assumption that if a merge-boot or merge-system is required
that NetSurf will let me know with an appropriate message. Otherwise I
just let NetSurf get on with it. Am I under vigilant or are you over
vigilant? It seems to me that the NetSurf team have far bigger fish than
this to fry.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

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