In article <>,
   Steve Fryatt <> wrote:
> > On 7 Feb, Brian Jordan wrote in message
> >     <>:
> > 
> > > In article <>, Richard Torrens
> > >    (lists) <> wrote:
> > >
> > > > It's definitely MoussAxess related. I now do RMKill Moussaxess
> > > > before surfing - if I remember!
> > > 
> > > I reported this at 13:59. I received a confirmatory email at 14:16
> > > saying the issue has been referred to Steve Fryatt. Apparently the
> > > problem is:
> > > 
> > > "Caused by failed assertion in RISC OS mouse handling:

> I've put an attempt at a fix into CI#1781.

> I don't /think/ there will be any unintended consequences, but it would
> be good if people could try and break it nonetheless. That's not just
> MouseAxess users -- the affected code is called whenever the mouse
> passes over a NetSurf window on RISC OS.


This seems a good news, good news story. First, I have spent some time
trying to crash the latest Netsurf with the MousAxess menu scrolling
method and failed. Second, nothing else appears to been affected by the

Many thanks


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

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