On Sat, 07 Jun 2014 16:50:01 +0100, Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:

> What does the message BoxConvert mean? It's obscure to say the least!

It means NetSurf wasn't able to convert a box :)

I don't fully understand how it works, but it is to do with layouting.

> I now (3.2 (Dev CI #1959)) get it on every local www page I run. Which is
> a pain - as I cannot then check a www page before uploading.
> I suspect it may be because I use SSI on my www pages: they contain, for
> example

I wouldn't have thought so.  The SSI portion is an HTML comment if it
isn't getting parsed by the server, so it should be getting ignored.

a) When did this start?
b) Can you post one of the faulty pages here, or upload it in a way in
which it can be downloaded without the SSI being parsed?


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