In article <>,
   David Pitt <> wrote:
> Brian Jordan, on 15 Nov, wrote:

> > In article <f4a9f06654.pitt...@iyonix.home>,
> >    David Pitt <> wrote:
> > > In message <>
> > >   Brian Jordan <> wrote:
> > 
> > > > I have discovered that attempting to complete forms rendered in
> > > > 3.3 (Dev CI #2327) can crash NetSurf and stiff the computer. In
> > > > particular ists, where one selects from a list to complete the
> > > > form, fail to show the list and everything hangs - here anyway.
> > > > Bug report raised (after reverting to an earlier NetSurf to
> > > > circumvent this problem on the tracker).
> > 
> > > I have uploaded a log. On the Raspberry Pi an alt-break stopped
> > > NetSurf without the whole machine going down.
> > 
> > Here alt-break delays the agony momentarily. Pressing "Stop" in the
> > Window Messenger dialogue box stiffs the emulator.

> It is fixed in #2335, for which many thanks.

So it is! Your thanks very much seconded here. For anyone who doubts the
value of raising a bug report it is absolutely worthwhile, the developers
are doing a fantastic job and it is nice, in a humble way, to help them.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

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