On 19 Dec 2014  Jeremy Nicoll - ml netsurf 
<jn.ml.nso...@wingsandbeaks.org.uk> wrote:

> Peter Young <pnyo...@ormail.co.uk> wrote:

>>Good point. Using http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/gl52 1 minute 20
>>seconds with RISC OS NetSurf, already on the icon bar; with Chrome in
>>Windows, again already running, less than 2 seconds. Is this worth a
>>bug report?

> It might be more interesting to compare the times for a subsequent fetch.
> The first one you did, form whatever OS, will have involved a lot of DNS
> lookups, whihc - apart from being managed by RO (or Netsuf itself?) and
> maybe cached there, may have been cached by your router.

> If the latter happened, that's one reason why the second fetch might have
> been a lot faster.

I've just done two fetches of the BBC weather site with RISC OS 
NetSurf. They were both slow, but the second one was a bit less slow.

> I dunno about Chrome's facilities, but if you have Firefox, it has a set of
> developer's tools, one of which allows you to see all the things it does to
> fetch a page (eg fetch the base html, fetch the files that refers to, fetch
> the files the subsidiary ones referred to etc) and it will display the times
> taken for different stages of the overall process, showing you which bits
> took all the time.

Understanding that would be beyond my capabilities. O imagine some 
relevant information would also be in NetSurf's logfile, but I 
wouldn't understand that either. The thing that's puzzling me is that 
this slowness has only happened recently, and doesn't affect other 

Best wishes,

Peter Young.

Peter Young (zfc Re) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England

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