On Fri, May 08, 2015 at 01:26:32PM +0100, Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:
> Yesterday Google stopped working with Netsurf.
> Has anyone any cures or suggestions?

It has been reported in the tracker as bug number 2314. Google have
changed the non javascript portion of their reply (the noscript entry)
to comtain completely broken html that simply causes the browser to
refresh and fail to work usefully.

We cannot do anything about this in NetSurf itself and need Google to
unbreak their noscript, If you can get anyone there to listen that
would be good as I have been unable to find someone to contact. This
affects all non javascript browser (or those with it turned off) and
cannot be worked around.

> -- 
> Richard Torrens.
> http://www.Torrens.org.uk for genealogy, natural history, wild food, walks, 
> cats
> and more!

Regards Vincent

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