In article <>, Richard Torrens (lists)

> > But that doesn't work on Netsurf :-( It just oscillates the same
> > :-(

> Sorry, I've confused myself by togling JS once too many times.

> The search script on my www site does work with JF off: Relevant
> bit is

> <!-- Search Google --> <P><FORM method=GET
> action=> <TABLE bgcolor=#FFFFFF
> cellspacing=0 border=0> <td> <INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=40
> maxlength=255 value=""> <INPUT type=submit name=sa VALUE="Google
> Search"> <br><input type=radio name=sitesearch value="" checked>
> Search WWW </td></tr></TABLE> </FORM> <!-- Search Google -->

> Save that as search/html, re-type is as faf (html) and use it

I use an Image search - can it be modified to show these rather than
the default text search or have I missed the whole point?

Can some clever programmer offer to incorporate an icon in the NetSurf
main window to disable Javascript instead of going through Choices? I
think this has already been suggested - it sounded like a good idea?


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