On 6 Jul 2015  Allan Bennett <alben...@eclipse2k.freeserve.co.uk> 

> In message <54dde90eceli...@torrens.org.uk>
>           "Richard Torrens (lists)" <li...@torrens.org.uk> wrote:

>> Has anyone got Fetch_NS running on an ARMX6?

> Yes, working here on ARMX6 and Armini. It did take some setting up,
> though...

> On first run, you should be presented with a list of options, but I
> never had much joy with this and resorted to modding the files in
> !Boot.Choices.Fetch_NS.Settings.  Mostly self-explanatory. Mostly!

> I have !Wget in configure 'look at'.

Richard still hasn't told us which version of Fetch_NS he's trying to 
run, which is highly relevant.

If someone can tell me whether it's legal to do so, I could send him 
my "Not John William's" version, which should work exactly as it does 

The setting up of this is a bit tricky, but as it doesn't use paths 
that depend on one's setup (1) it should work everywhere.

(1) For instance, the directory that NetSurf will be installed in is 
defined as Fetch_NS$Download$Dir <Fetch_NS$Dir>.^ so that if Fetch_NS 
is in the same directory as NetSurf then NetSurf will be put into the 
correct place.


Best wishes,


Peter Young (zfc Re) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England

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