In article <>, Dave Higton
<> wrote:
> In message <> Tim Hill <> wrote:

> > In article <>, Jim Nagel
> > <> wrote:
> > > Is it something about the coding of this site or about
> > > Netsurf's rendering of it?  Or maybe it's in the CSS of the
> > > page?
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> > > The picture displays so huge as to be unrecognizable pixels;
> > > paragraphs of text are a single line so wide that they are
> > > unreadable.
> >
> > > Resizing the Netsurf window (even with Ctrl on the Resize icon)
> > > does nothing but make the font smaller -- text remains a single
> > > line.
> >
> > > Using Netsurf #3382 on Ro 5.23.
> >
> > 3403 on 5.18 looks 'okay'. Though not perfect, it doesn't do what
> > you describe and is legible.

> It works fine with CI #3433.  The image adjusts to fit the width of

3305 displays the picture correctly but when I tried yesterday
it displayed exactly as Jim described. Weird :-(

Now downloaded C1 #3433 and image displays correctly. Resizing enlarges
picture as expected. Text remains same size.


Iyonix RISC OS 5.20

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