In message <>
          Tim Hill <> wrote:

>>From Newsgroup: comp.sys.acorn.misc
> Subject: Re: London Show news
> Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 10:20

> In article <>, Peter Young
> <> wrote:
>> On 16 Dec 2016  Tim Hill <> wrote:

>>> In article <>, Bryan Hogan
>>> <spam@nowhere.invalid> wrote:
>>>> Although the Events Calendar doesn't work in NetSurf, so also have a
>>>> nomination in the Broken Cog category :-D

>>> It does, why have you got javascript switched on?  ;-)

>>> Fixed that for you:


>> Not working here, #3803. The site says that JavaScript is on, even
>> though I've turned it off, quit NetSurf and tried to see the site
>> again.

> Must be a problem with that version. The message saying it is ON is
> rendered with Javascript so how can it possibly be disabled?

I had js off when I first visited the page, but received what must 
have been the js version, with just a blank white box in the middle of 
the page. So I then tried with js on, still got the exact same page.

However having just turned my ARMini back on and tried again, I now 
get the version that says "Welcome NetSurf user, you have JS 
disabled". So something must have been wrong with the page caching.

However, the calendar still doesn't display. Now I briefly get a "Bad 
redirect URL" error in NetSurf's status bar :-(

NetSurf v3.6 (19th Nov 2016) - the release version.

Others have it working so there must be something going on here. I'll 
have more of a play over the weekend.


RISC OS User Group Of London  -
RISC OS London Show           -

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