The home page of has a news area in the lower part.
It is intended that this is a scrolling <div> and in all mainstream
browsers I have tried this is the case [1]. it is also the case in
NetSurf #3966 running under RISC OS 5.23 on my Raspberry Pi. However,
using the same browser to view the same page on this emulator with RISC
OS Select 6.20 the <div> overflows. The most likely explanation is, as
ever, that this is a local issue and that I have missed the obvious but
to help define the problem I wonder if some of you would take a look and
let me know what you see and the OS version you are using? If there is an
inconsistency relating to OS versions I will file a report to the NetSurf
developers, if not I shall have to dig a lot deeper here.

[1] HTML tidy reports the page as <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML
4.01 Transitional//EN"> and I test in the Windows browsers because these
are what the majority of visitors us.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

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