I started a thread on the RISC OS open Forum at


for more details. To sum;

On closing windows in NetSurf choices/configuration I’m seeing the error,
‘An unexpected error occurred: Illegal window handle’. It only happens on
alternate config categories and on first look doesn’t appear to do harm.

It’s on RISC OS 5.27 (19-12-19) ROM, NetSurf 3.10(DEV CI #4956).

To summarise the thread, it's due to the latest version of RISC OS
improved reporting of errors, showing this one up. It's been confirmed by
others and is said to be related to changes in that ROM relating to
clipboard caret/task fixes.

NetSurf log extract;

(9.520000) frontends/riscos/wimp_event.c:1654
ro_gui_wimp_event_get_window: Creating structure for window 0x20481e39

(10.850000) frontends/riscos/dialog.c:378 ro_gui_dialog_close:
xwimp_set_caret_position: 0x288: Illegal window handle

(10.850000) frontends/riscos/gui.c:2112 ro_warn_user: WimpError Illegal
window handle

(10.850000) frontends/riscos/wimp_event.c:1112
ro_gui_wimp_event_close_window: Close event received for window 0x20481e39

Anything else - best to follow the ROOL forum thread. I'm not qualified

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