In article <>,
   Richard Torrens (lists) <> wrote:
> In article <>,
>    Chris Newman <> wrote:
> > In article <>,
> >    Richard Torrens (lists) <> wrote:
> > > Has anyone found a file converter that will work with Netsurf?

> > > I am looking for docx  to pdf.

> > Techwriter will do that on a RISC OS machine.

> The requsest was for something that worked with Netsurf!

> Many years ago I bought Techwriter Professional. Didn't like the program
> so stopped using it.

I'm a horses for courses kind of guy...

Why don't you go to MS-Windows where DocX files are native creatures,
it'll save a lot of faffing about.

I still use RISC OS for lot of things, but there are areas of endeavour
where RISC OS is a waste of time; So I gave up wasting my time years ago
and went Win side for those particular things.


Years ago... Had I not been able to apply the Horses for courses with
regard to some of the things I do, I would have completely dumped RISC OS.




Dave Triffid
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