On 27 Aug 2023 as I do recall,
          Frederick Bambrough  wrote:

> Is this a known bug?
> Hotlist ignores 'Allow windows off screen' configuration settings when
> 'off screen' is disallowed. It moves freely off screen in all directions
> except 'top' where it stops with the top edge of the title bar off screen.
> Other NetSurf windows do as expected.
I reported an offscreen-hotlist-related window issue back in 2021.  It
has never been acknowledged, let alone confirmed or resolved (and it's
still present, and as annoying as ever).

Its is not normal RISC OS behaviour for the 'toggle window size' icon to
expand the window *beyond the edge of the screen*, whatever the 'Allow
windows off screen' configuration is, and indeed other NetSurf windows
behave as expected - you can drag them manually so that portions are
off-screen, but as soon as you toggle the size they expand to the
largest possible size that will fit on the screen (moving to the top of
the screen if necessary in order to fit in the maxmimum-size window) but
no larger.

The hotlist simply expands downwards from its current position, which
causes the resize icon and bottom scroll arrow to disappear off the
bottom of the screen, which under RISC OS means that you *can't* then
resize it manually to make the bottom items accessible again....

Harriet Bazley                     ==  Loyaulte me lie ==

The best way to keep your friends is not to give them away.
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