The University of Georgia is pleased to announce new graduate assistantships in Interdisciplinary Arts Research available to students entering terminal degree programs in Art, Music, and Theatre and Film Studies.

Recipients will develop creative research under the auspices of Ideas for Creative Exploration (ICE), an interdisciplinary initiative for advanced research in the arts at UGA. Assistantship duties will include the student's own collaborative work across disciplines and facilitating collaborative projects and proposals with faculty, students, and community members. The assistantships will provide a tuition waiver and competitive stipend for three years of study.

To be considered for the graduate assistantship in Interdisciplinary Arts Research, applicants are encouraged to send a one-page statement to be included with their application materials. The statement should describe the applicant's current research interests and any previous experiences in interdisciplinary or collaborative environments.

The Lamar Dodd School of Art offers eight MFA degree programs in Studio Art, MA.Ed, and PhD programs in Art Education, and MA and PhD programs in Art History. The Hugh Hodgson School of Music offers a comprehensive slate of graduate degrees at the master's and doctoral levels, as well as an Education Specialist degree. In Theatre and Film Studies there are MFA degree programs in Performance, Design and Technology, and Dramatic Media and a PhD program in Theory and History.

ICE is a catalyst for innovative, interdisciplinary creative projects and advanced research and critical discourse in the arts, and for creative applications of technologies, concepts, and practices found across disciplines. It is a collaborative network of faculty, students, and community members from all disciplines of the visual and performing arts in addition to other disciplines in the humanities and sciences. ICE enables all stages of creative activity, from concept and team formation through production, documentation, and dissemination of research.

For more information please visit the following Web sites:

Ideas for Creative Exploration (ICE)

Lamar Dodd School of Art

Hugh Hodgson School of Music

Theatre and Film Studies

Mark Callahan
Artistic Director
Ideas for Creative Exploration (ICE)
The University of Georgia
Visual Arts Building
Athens, GA 30602-4102
(706) 542-7270

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