

                                                        Conditions for Call
of Proposals

                                                           the art of
exhibiting art online

VOCENTO and ARCO announce a Call of Proposals to provide art galleries with
web solutions in Internet adapted to their needs responding to the concept
WEB 2.0.

Since its origins Internet has changed the face of the art scene, and this
is true both from the viewpoint of creativity in the context of the Internet
based art, often termed net-art, as well as its use by galleries, generating
a forceful online presence of art.

Art galleries are addressing the challenge to develop tools to make
themselves and art more versatile, modern and effective in the emerging
scene of the Web 2.0 concept.

Web 2.0 should be optimised both for the needs in the specific working
environment and the needs of the target public.

VOCENTO and ARCO announce this call for proposals to develop an innovative
and experimental online platform and effective tool to foster and stimulate
the presence, exhibition, communication and management of art on the

The prize money for the winning entry is 15,000 euros for the development of
a tool or web environment which can optimize the presence of art galleries
in Internet. Once designed, such web environment or tool will be made
available free of charge to all galleries participating at ARCO for
implementation in their own Internet spaces.


This Call of Proposals wishes to encourage specific research into the
Internet needs of art galleries and to provide them with suitable solutions
addressing these needs. The solutions will notably benefit communication
between art and society.

This Call of Proposals aims not only to enable the development of a powerful
tool or web environment serving art, but also to promote the development of
a creative, striking and original environment appropriate to its target,
ART, which can express the sensibility of both creators and a dynamic public
eager for creative environments.

Therefore, this Call of Proposals is not only a search for efficiency but
also for creativity, originality and innovation. A proposal made in
collaboration between computer and software engineers and artists reflecting
the special sensibility of art, and art’s ability to surprise.

ARTE 2.0 is a Call of Proposals open to participants anywhere in the world
whose goal is to find and develop the most suitable, optimum and creative
proposal for promoting the presence of art galleries in Internet. The
organization has made available a web page for the Call of Proposals at
<http://www.arteweb.VOCENTO.com> where the conditions and registration forms
can be downloaded.

Proposals will be assessed by an international jury, made up of two experts
in art new media art (Joasia Krysa of KURATOR/UoP, UK and Santiago Ortiz,
artist, moebio.com) and a representative of VOCENTO, meeting at the
ARCO-IFEMA offices on Friday 15th February 2008. After deliberating, it will
announce the winner on Saturday 16th February 2008. The winner shall realise
his/her proposal in a maximum period of six months, making it available to
the art galleries free of charge from the date the delivery period expires.
ARTE 2.0 VOCENTO Call of Proposals
1. Description

This Call of Proposals is open to any person or collective, regardless of
their legal condition, who may develop a project focused on the promotion,
speeding up and optimization of art presence in Internet. The project will
be endowed with €15,000 for its execution (including taxes).

A proposal is understood to mean any proposal specially created for the
purpose of the Call of Proposals and which can be made feasible thanks to
this Call of Proposals. This proposal should be a specific tool or a
complete, feasible and applicable web environment.


This proposal shall be implemented by art galleries.


In order to participate in this Call of Proposals, the proposal must be
registered by the artists or collectives on the website created especially
for such purposes:  www.VOCENTO.com/castellano/accion-cultural/arte-web.html

·       The Jury will decide the result of the Call of Proposals.

·       The chosen proposal shall be executed within a six-month period.
Once the proposal has been developed, this environment or tool will be
distributed free of charge to all art galleries participating at ARCO 2008,
and to those taking part in the 2009 edition.

·      The winner will be announced on 16th February 2008.

·       Prize: the winning proposal will be endowed with €15,000 euros,
including taxes.

2. Participation terms

·       Arte 2.0 VOCENTO Call of Proposals is targeted at any person or
collective, regardless of their legal condition, and is open to both Spanish
and international participants.

·       Projects shall be registered by the participating person or
collective in the forms available on the Call of Proposals website.

·       Only one project per person or collective shall be registered. In
the event that more than one project has been registered, only the first
project shall be considered as valid.

·       The organization shall not accept any proposals sent by e-mail,
postal mail or other method besides the stipulated form.

·       Arte 2.0 VOCENTO Call of Proposals registration form shall be
submitted in Spanish or English, although we recommend bilingual versions
supervised by the participants themselves.

·       The participating projects must be realisable for the value of the
prize money, i.e. €15,000 (including taxes), within a maximum execution
period of six months from the date of the Jury’s decision.

·       The winner undertakes to deliver with the final project a user
manual of it.

·       The Jury reserves the right to accept or reject any of the projects,
and its decision is final.

Accepting the prize implies the transfer of property rights of the awarded
project to VOCENTO, after the termination of its free distribution among art
galleries participating at ARCO 2008 and those taking part in the 2009
edition. VOCENTO agrees not to commercialise nor distribute in any form
other than the described. After two years VOCENTO will make the project
available to the public under the license CreativeCommons, Attribution 2.5

3. Registration

3.1.   Registration deadline

·       Registration for the Arte 2.0 VOCENTO Call of Proposals opens at 5
pm (GMT+1), on 1st  January 2008 through the Call of Proposals website.

·       Registration for the Arte 2.0 VOCENTO Call of Proposals closes at 5
pm (GMT+1), on 31st January 2008 through the Call of Proposals website.

3.2.   Registration form


Arte 2.0 VOCENTO Call of Proposals: only those registrations submitted using
the form on the Call of Proposals website will be accepted.


The registration form shall include the following details:

·       Title of Proposal.

·       Personal details of participant(s).

·       Brief description of the proposal (max. 100 words).

·       Links to extended proposal, other realised works or explanatory
documents. This data may be sent as attached files.

·       Compatible formats of attached files: “.rtf”, “.doc”, “.pdf”,
“.jpg”, “.mp3”, “.mov”, “.swf”.

3.3.   Extended proposal


Participants may provide additional information on their proposals by
including an URL of their own website in the registration form. This
extended proposal submitted through the web should include the following
basic elements:

·       Description of the proposal (max 1000 words) explaining its core
concept, method of execution and viability. If the project requires input
from assistants, advisors or collaborators, their functions and, where
possible, their names should be specified.

·       We recommend including a detailed schedule for production and a
budget for the project, which should include the winner’s fees. In the event
of being able to access alternative funding for the project, please include
these in the budget. The inclusion of alternative sources of funding will
not affect the ownership, distribution and public use of the project.

·       A maximum of 10 previous works. We recommend supplying information
only on those projects, which may be significant to the project to be
presented. Please provide contextualising information (title, date, media,
client, and perhaps a brief description), which would help the jury to
understand what they are seeing. This sample of previous works may be in any
format, provided that it is accessible on the web using universal browsers.

·       Résumé / CV of participant. In the case of collective entries, a
group CV may be presented or individual CVs of all members.

·       When designing the web proposal, participants should bear in mind
that the Jury have limited time. Consequently, we would ask you to be as
concise and clear as possible in the execution of the web.

·       The development and hosting of the web for the extended proposal
will be the sole responsibility of the participant.
4. Jury

Submitted proposals shall be revised by an international Jury made up of two
experts in art new media art (Joasia Krysa and Santiago Ortiz), a
representative of VOCENTO and also a representative of LaAgencia who will
act as coordinator of the award and jury secretary.

5. Decision

·       On 15th February 2008 the jury will meet at the ARCO-IFEMA offices.

·       The winner shall be announced on 16th February 2008 at ARCO
(International Contemporary Art Fair).

·       VOCENTO reserves the right to publicly announce the winner on 16th
February 2008 in its different publications.

·       The prize may be left void and unawarded if the jury so decides.
6. Winner

·       Prior to the announcement of the jury’s decision, the winner or
winning collective shall be contacted by the Call of Proposals management.

·       VOCENTO shall pay 50% of the stipulated prize 30 calendar days after
the jury decision date, 25% on submission of the first report and the
remaining 25% on submission of the final proposal.

·       Arte 2.0 VOCENTO Call of Proposals winners shall be requested to
enter into an agreement with the Call of Proposals organization comprising
the terms, revision of fulfilment of delivery dates and payment dates.

·       The prize shall be paid to the winners or their legal
representatives as designated by them.

7. Information and Queries
For more information or additional queries about the Arte 2.0 VOCENTO Call
of Proposals, please contact:


Vicente Matallana 

Tel: (34) 91 366 8821


Registering for the Arte 2.0 VOCENTO Call of Proposals implies full the
acceptance of these conditions.

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