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for information on this and other programs,
please visit www.exitart.org
Exit Art is an independent vision of contemporary
culture prepared to react immediately to important issues that affect our
lives. We do experimental, historical and unique presentations of
aesthetic, social, political and environmental issues. We absorb cultural
differences that become prototype exhibitions. We are a center for
multiple disciplines. Exit Art is a 25-year-old cultural center in New
York City founded by Directors Jeanette Ingberman and Papo Colo. It has
grown from a pioneering alternative art space into a model artistic center
for the 21st century committed to supporting artists whose quality of work
reflects the transformations of our culture. Exit Art is internationally
recognized for its unmatched spirit of inventiveness and consistent
ability to anticipate the newest trends in the culture. With a substantial
reputation for curatorial innovation and depth of programming in diverse
media, Exit Art is always on the verge of change.

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        Exit Art Press
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