*International Physical Theatre Laboratory*

*March 23-28, 2008
Malpils, Latvia*
*The Lab is open for performers from different countries and backgrounds
inspired by Physical Theater as a bold, vibrant and multidimensional
approach to contemporary theater performance. The Lab is putting particular
emphasis on practical exploration of methods and techniques of group theatre
training as the foundation for coherent rehearsal process, open creative
atmosphere and efficient performance making. Practical sessions develop in
the form of various exercises and progress from simple to complicated.
Gradually the group is proceeding to group improvisations and structures.
Every day is setting advanced creative tasks, developing the preceding steps
and deepening into the detailed consecutive process.
Actors of physical, dramatic, musical and dance theatres, dancers,
choreographers, directors, stage designers, playwrights, script writers.
Candidates should send a CV and a brief letter of motivation to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] stating the title, dates and location of the event. Places are
limited, the registration will be closed once the group is full.

*Participation fee:*
550 EUR if payment is made before February 20th.
590 EUR if payment is made before March 20th.

*The fee covers accommodation in Malpils - five nights, three meals per day
- breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea/coffee breaks.*
MORE INFORMATION: **http://www.iugte.com/projects/PhysicalTheatre.php  *
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