Tuesday, October 30, 2007


TORONTO -- An innovative partnership has been forged in 
the Queen West Triangle between Artscape, the City of 
Toronto, Westside Lofts(Urbancorp) and Active 18 that will 
see the creation of a 56,000 square feet artist live/work 
project within the Westside Lofts development at 
150 Sudbury Street.

The development of affordable artist live/work units 
within a condominium complex is a first for Toronto. The 
deal also represents a new 
self-financing model for affordable housing development 
that requires only a nominal public investment.

"Developers, community activists, and the City have a 
strong shared interested in making the Triangle as 
creative and dynamic as possible" 
said Artscape President and CEO, Tim Jones. "There is no 
reason why this model cannot be replicated across the city 
to address the decades-
old problem of the displacement of artists through 

The value of the project has been independently appraised 
at $19 million. Artscape will purchase the units for $8.4 
million, a price that 
includes the cost of construction but not architectural 
and other soft costs, land value contributed by the City 
in the form of free 
density, or profit.

Artscape plans to create up to 70 affordable ownership and 
rental units. Monthly rent for a one bedroom rental unit 
is targeted at $725 or 
roughly 80% of Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s 
average market rent for Toronto. Unit sizes and mix will 
be determined after 
consultation with potential purchasers and renters. 
Construction on the project will begin in January 2008 
with completion projected for 
early 2010.

Celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year, Artscape is a 
not-for-profit enterprise engaged in culture-led 
regeneration. Its work includes 
anchoring creative communities within affordable spaces 
and building authentic and dynamic places by connecting 
creative and cultural 
resources. Artscape has played a catalytic role in the 
regeneration of some of Toronto’s most important creative 
communities including: The 
Distillery Historic District, Queen Street West, Liberty 
Village and Toronto Island. www.torontoartscape.on.ca

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Press contact:
Liz Kohn
Director of Communications, Artscape
T: 416-392-1038, ext. 25

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