
Cool Media Hot Talk Show on City Life
Three new collaboratively programmed and moderated live talk show  
events @ NAi

#1: Urban Rescue: creativity and beyond

In the frame of the Happening exhibition at the Netherlands  
Architecture Institute, Rotterdam.

Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam
Sunday March 2, 2008 - 16.00 - 18.00 hrs.

Join our discussion: ask questions; propose topics and speakers;  
create show scenarios; vote for the proposals of others at:

Urban regeneration is a high point of our cities politics. How to  
transform marginal neighbourhoods into safe and attractive places  
where to live? How to achieve social cohesion? And which are the tools  
to be used to transform our cities? These are the questions that  
policy makers and social activists are facing daily. Beyond making new  
streets, new buildings, new facilities, our cities are also  
transformed by policies that attract new inhabitants, that create  
diversity or homogeneity, that are shifting the perception of entire  
parts of our urban environment.

The first Cool Media Hot Talk Show, as part of the Happening project  
at the Netherlands Architecture Institute in Rotterdam, will  
investigate these topics. The fil rouge of the three debates will be  
"city-life", as a manifestation of moods, uses and passions that  
people rely on the city. Beyond the simple perception of the buildings  
and structures, our cities are mostly moulded by different uses,  
interpretations and cultures of their inhabitants. Cool Media Hot Talk  
Show will reveal possible ways of imagining and modifying our urban  
realm, starting with understanding potential and problems on the issue  
of the "creative city".

BAVO - an independent research office focused on the political  
dimension of art, architecture and planning. BAVO is a co-operation  
between Gideon Boie and Matthias Pauwels, both of whom studied  
architecture and philosophy. BAVO recently conducted research into  
creative city development and practices of embedded cultural activism.  
BAVO's explicit mission is to enhance public debate by means of  
publications, symposia and interventions. Recent publications  
include:  Cultural Activism Today. The Art of Over-identification  
(Episode Publishers, 2007)  and Urban Politics Now. Re-imagining  
Democracy in the Neoliberal City (NAi Publishers, 2007).

Olof van de Wal - director of KEI expert centre urban regeneration.
KEI, Dutch Expert Centre for Urban Renewal (KEI = Knowledge,  
Expertise, Innovation), was founded in 2000 on initiative of a number  
of public and private parties. KEI aims at providing an impulse mainly  
to the physical component of urban renewal (regeneration) in the  
Netherlands by collecting, exchanging and availing expertise on the  
issue. KEI is also interested in international experiences and  
practices. KEI is an independent intermediary and broker of know-how.

Join the discussion live via internet, send in your comments and  
questions, and vote for (or against) the reactions of others here:
(Live streaming in collaboration with V2_ Rotterdam)

The Cool Media Hot Talk Shows on City Life are organised by the Cool  
Mediators Foundation, The Netherlands Architecture Institute  
Rotterdam, and De Balie, Amsterdam.

Regular entrance fee for the exhibition – no additional charge.


About the Cool Media Hot Talk Show:
"Cool Media Hot Talk Show" is a series of do-it-yourself talk shows,  
where the public proposes and selects the topics, speakers, questions,  
and determines the final scenarios of the show. Cool Media Hot Talk  
combines the popular format of the live talk show with the 'many-to- 
many' principle of the internet. The Happening talk shows take place  
in the physical space of the NAi, while the media space - the web site  
of the project and its communication tools - is used directly and  
openly by the public to program events and actively participate in them.

Cool Media Hot Talk Show creates an open public platform that supports  
truly interactive forms of direct public engagement in the very  
creation of critical public discourse.

About Happening:
For two months the NAI will organise happenings in and around an  
installation that the architect Wiel Arets has specially designed for  
the NAI: concerts, theatre performances, interactive video  
projections, debates, dinners and performances. In this architectural  
construction, compositions of light, sound and video projection enable  
you to experience the influence that buildings, squares and streets  
have on your emotions and on how you perceive. The happenings make you  
aware of the role that you yourself play in experiencing and imagining  
the city, as well as of the difference that you as a citizen can make.

Dates: 01 march 2008 - 04 may 2008

The full programme can be found at:

Netherlands Architecture Institute Rotterdam
Museumpark 25
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