[digested @ nettime]

Heiko Recktenwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     "Future cinema" and gametheory..
     Re: <nettime> heiko's hiccups :-)

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Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 11:03:31 +0100 (CET)
From: Heiko Recktenwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "Future cinema" and gametheory..

Well, the messy mp4 name game page...

Dont know so much of gametheory than others know of dadabases and I am
not interested in dadabases so much. Dadabases are allways about power, a
central structure, Thomax did his best to reduce power and it worked, less
is more, wikiwikis are another case (does anybody know a wikiwiki, that is
less wikiwiki and more html?), or it is machine dada, is machine dada dada
at all? Dada and more "usefull" purposes..

But if we take, and thats what I have followed the last 2 or 3 years,
as some readers might remember, mpeg video or "the future standard based
internet tv" of isma.tv etc (what is a standard..?), the problem of "one
click streaming" from the webpage, I think there is one inherend
problem that might be a topic of gametheory. Austrian economists are
invited, if they care:

To combine ressources is great for the mpeg alliance patent holders. Their
patents get more usefull in the combination with others etc, they get 
more worth. The alliance is also good for the content industry (and
users), we dont have this "click here for real", "click here for wmp",
"click here for quicktime" anymore. 

But it is bad for the player industry. If we had a common simple or
complicated, insofar without importance, metafile for "one click
streaming", there would be suddenly a market where direct competition
between players would be possible. People could easily go from one player
to the other, compare for example quicktime with the dicas player, the
dicas player could be compared with the real player, without bothering
about reference.movs and the like. In theory, this is allready there for
embeded urls, movies, there is even a common isma mimetype (video/mp4,
something like macromedias application/futuresplash, contra rfc), to make
such embeded urls work, or take IEs ability to stream movies without
metafile, IE supports direkt href=rtsp links etc, but this doesnt yet work
in reality. 

Maybe this has to do with future coming slowly, it takes time for things
to develop, lets wait to the point, where IE has taken over completely or
href=rtsp links work with all browsers, where the penetration of mp4
players is complete, but I think it could be speeded up and one reason for
that this doesnt happen are the interests of the player industry.

Well, lets see,


http://www.uni-bonn.de/~uzs106/ -- with wipodmcaetc.doc paper below. 

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Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 11:21:20 +0100 (CET)
From: Heiko Recktenwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: <nettime> heiko's hiccups :-)

I am starting to understand Philips "stategy", well, IMHO he went through
the august halls of ZKM without looking at other pieces than his own.

> unmovie was a database based structure, but what I remeber from that day
> was kind of an inflation of the use of this word. CD-Roms, collections of
> pictures, a "database"?

Did I say unmovie was a CD-Rom? I called unmovie a "database", without
the quotes, in contrast to other works. What do you want more? 

That I wasnt so much convinced of unmovie is another topic, wrote about
that in another mail. Pathetic algorithms...isnt that a contradictio in

Anyway, it was a nice day in Karlsruhe, with the group etcppp, people.



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